In April 2019, after months of planning and expert execution by Cecilia Huerta-Lauf and Laura De St. Croix, directors of the NouLou Chamber Players, I had the great honor of premiering and performing three fantastic new cello concertos written for me by Lev “Ljova” Zhurbin, Alyssa Weinberg, and Dorian Wallace, featuring that ensemble conducted by Kansas City Symphony Assistant Conductor Jason Seber. It was no small feat for the team to find a network of supporters to help bring these works to life, […]
Several years ago, Dorian Wallace, a good friend of mine not just in music but also in politics and philosophy, floated the crazy idea of writing me a new cello concerto. This past January, we premiered it with he and his wife Hajnal Pivnik’s ensemble 10th Intervention. Truly a fantastic piece that deserves a great place in the standard repertoire. In the course of preparations for that, two more fantastic composers approached me, also interested in writing new cello concertos. Alyssa Weinberg, currently […]
Greetings friends, The summer season is upon us, and I’m delighted to be performing up and down the east coast this summer. Tonight, Monday June 26, I return to perform with the Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players, performing Beethoven’s String Quartet Op. 59 no. 2, with Stefan Milenkovich and Becky Anderson, violins, and Maurycy Banaszek, viola, in addition to works by Spohr and Hoffmeister, 7:30 pm, Christ and St. Steven’s Church. July 5-9 I’ll be performing with the […]
Excited to appear next summer at the Manchester Music Festival (VT), where I’ll be appearing as principal cellist of the orchestra for the big solo in Brahms Piano Concerto no. 2 with fantastic pianist, impressionist, and overall mensch Alexander Kobrin, winner of the 2005 Van Cliburn Piano Competition. Can’t wait for the music, the fun, and the impressions. Oh how there will be impressions. I had the good fortune of collaborating with Alexander last year with the Jupiter Symphony Chamber […]
I’m honored to announce that I will be an instructor of cello at Indiana University Southeast starting in January 2017! There will be scales. And etudes. Contact the Department of Music if you’re a cellist who may be interested!
Finally, a beautiful website I can call my own! I’ve built dozens of beautiful websites for artists in the past, and it only took me 5 years to put it together for myself. Be sure to come back and visit often for the latest!